Development of a continuous treatment system that continuously performs the mechanochemical compression and stabilization processes of fluid, hard-to-decompose wastes, such as spent resin, to produce solidified matrix that satisfy the conditions for disposing of radioactive waste
. Mobile continuous treatment system for fluid, hard-to-decompose radioactive waste
. Volume reduction and stabilization by compressing the internal space of spent resin and hard-to-decompose waste in a mechanochemical
. Suitable for radioactive waste disposal conditions such as leaching, strength, and radiation characteristics
. Reduction of costs for dismantling nuclear power plants through radioactive waste disposal costs and social costs related to nuclear power
plant operation
. Reinforcement of public trust in terms of NPP decommissioning and radioactive waste management by minimizing the possibility of
radioactive material spread outside the disposal facility through stable solidification
. Applicable to stable disposal of liquid and hard-to-decompose radioactive waste that is not suitable for disposal facilities
Sejong Daemyung Valeon B-811, 6, Jiphyeonjungang 7-ro, Sejong-si, 30141, Republic of Korea | Phone Number : 044)330-8500 | E-mail : |